HumaNature Success, coach en developpement personnel


As a life coach my mainly task is to establish a dialogue between you and me.
That’s why I am pleased to invite you to fill the form hereunder to contact me for any question about coaching.

The beginning is
half of everything.  

Let's talk together

How can I help you ?



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Life coach:
frequently asked questions

When I explain my job some questions are always on the table.
So I decided to start answer them for your knowledge hereunder.

For any other question feel free to contact me !

For me that means that I have followed a professional certification from an international coaching school.

I have validated my coaching knowledges regarding methods and applications. This validation is rewarded by a certification. Every three years I must testify of my knowledge level and if necessary follow new teachings. Thanks to this certification I can meet some other coachs and exchange about our work methods and it is a great opportunity to have more ways to find right solutions for my coachees.

In other word, this is a warranty for you of my concern, my implication and of the means for your coaching success.


Except reaching your goals, you are totally safe by doing a life coaching and everything stay under your control.

First of all our sessions are submitted to professional secret and I drive them with full goodwill and kindness as possible. Whatever happens or be said during a coaching stay exclusively in the coaching moment.


The meaning of a coaching is to learn you how to learn to succeed. I will not provide any already made solutions nor answers. And I will definitely not try to make you do things you are not willing to do..

I am here to help you finding solutions you are already possessing and then to use them as best as possible.

I would say that there is not any issue which can be helped by a coaching.
The coaching purpose is to help you to take a step-back in a first time. As well from the outside world, than from you life and from yourself.

Then considering the new situation we will looking for the strengths and solutions within you to handle it and allow you to accomplished yourself.

However there is one thing you need to know before a coaching. In order to be efficient the coaching needs from the coachee a total commitment. And this by giving time and involvement. If the coachee is holding back his informations it would be very hard to understand all the situation and to find appropriate solutions.

As well if the coachee is not applying necessary changes in his life for well-being, he will never see the situation getting better.


Above that my certification which offers you some guarantee of my skills, my difference is defined by my experiences, my values and my personality.

Moreover my professional experience as a human resources director in international companies can be an advantage for your coaching. For exemple if you are currently thinking about an or living an expatriation.

I also hope that my values will reflect with yours, and will be of a great help for your life projects.

At last, I am convicted that each of us possesses the will to make a change, reach our objectives and to discover another reality. Thanks to this strong belief I am a kind, emphatic and involved coach helping you to pursue success.


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